Herbal Wellness: FIRE CIDER

Fire Cider 2

There is an old traditional recipe for good health, a dose taken daily, with apple cider vinegar and honey that increases one’s resistance to illness, in particular, colds.

Fire Cider is a sort of beefed-up version of this health promoting tonic taught for many many years by Rosemary Gladstar, one of America’s most famous herbal teachers. Every year around this time, herbalists now prepare this tonic for use during the cold and flu season… either to take daily, or to use on your salads, or to take when actually sick.

FIRE CIDER preparation is a very personal and creative process, although there are a couple of basic ingredients…like organic apple cider vinegar (with the “mother” ), fresh grated horseradish root, LOTS of garlic, onion, ginger, cayenne and honey along with a host of other ingredients of choice, like lemon or orange slices, tumeric, rosemary sprigs, rosehips, hot chili peppers, nasturtium flowers, golden raisins etc etc.


****JUST REMEMBER: If adding cayenne powder…add carefully…you cannot make something UN-HOT if you add too much!!!

Ingredients are chopped, placed in a glass jar  sized appropriately to  the amount ofyour ingredients and covered with apple cider vinegar. Plastic wrap under the lid to prevent rusting,  tighten lid, leave to steep for 4-6 weeks, shaking daily (with a prayer or blessing). Strain, add honey and a little more cayenne to taste.

Flavors: Hot, sweet, sour, herbals…   Delicious

Dose daily or as necessary.

Check out these videos (and others of this topic online) to see preparation! There are SO many of them on youtube.

Here’s Rosemary Gladstar who got it all going:









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