Herbal Wellness: Elaine’s Blackberry Cordial

glass of cordial with carafe

My friend Elaine lives in the woods with trees and blackberry bushes. Her Blackberry Cordial, besides being a lovely gift at Christmas, is a “remedy” with lots of anti-oxidents, and magic to raise your spirits in cold weather. Good for all ailments of body and mood.

(This always reminds me of the two sisters in the old series “Little House on the Prarie” and the popularity of their special quietly sought after “Papa’s Recipe”.)

Elaine’s Blackberry Cordial (Good for whatever ails ya!)
1 lemon
4 cups blackberries (fresh or unsweetened frozen)
1 3/4 cups sugar
1 750-milliliter bottle vodka
Cut thin slices of lemon peel, getting as much of the zest and as little of the white as possible.
In a mixing bowl, combine zest, blackberries, sugar and vodka.
Stir until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture well combined.
Pour into a gallon jar or plastic container.
Place in a cool, dark place for 1 month, inverting the jar 2 or 3 times.
Strain mixture through several layers of cheesecloth into decorative bottles, and seal.
Cheers and Good Spirits to you!
Christine  2/2022

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